(여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - ’Super Lady’ DRUM COVER

(여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - ’Super Lady’ DRUM COVER 채널에 오시면 더 많은 연주영상 재생목록엔 외부공연, Live Clip 등의 작업물이 있습니다. Visit the channel for more performance videos The playlist includes works such as external performances and Live Clips. Drums DW design Set 18“ x 22“ Bass Drum 8“ x 10“ Tom 9“ x 12“ Tom 14“ x 16“ Floor Tom 5.5“ x 14“ Snare Drum Snare DW design Snare 5.5“ x 14“ Cymbals Zildjian K Hybrid Hi hat 14“ Zidjian A custom Medium thin Crash 18“ Splash - Meinl Classics Custom Trash Splash 12“ Stax - K Hybrid Crash 16“ , Sabian Valult Hi hat 14“ Zildjian K Hybrid Ride 20“ Sabian HHXtream Crash 18“ ... Pedal TAMA Iron Cobra 900
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