Roosevelt Opens Congress Lner (1938)

Titles read: “CONGRESS - PRESIDENT TELLS STATE OF NATION“. Washington DC, (Columbia), United States of America. Various shots of President Franklin D Roosevelt opening the second session of the 75th Congress, intercut with general views of Congressmen and in the public gallery, listening and applauding. He makes a speech saying the American nation is determined to remain in peace but acts of nations in other parts of the world have far-reaching effects not only on their neighbouring countries but also on the United States. He talks of respecting the rights of others but protecting the rights of themselves by keeping their national defence strong. He says the government will be co-operate in every way with the business of the nation providing they adopt price and production policies appropriate to 1937. Roosevelt ends the speech in a stirring way by saying he does not propose to let the people down and he is sure the Congress of the United States will not let the people down. The people arou
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