2 Trains Passing On Steep Grade & Train Working Hard Uphill! Tall Trestle With Train In The Air! NS

I GOT LUCKY! 2 Trains Pass On Steep Hill out of the Ohio River valley! A Train Going Up A Steep Grade way up in the air over a Huge Railroad Trestle. A heavy train went over a 2 track railroad crossing near the top of the hill and all of a sudden a 2nd train is blowing the horn and working hard to power a heavy mixed freight train. Both trains passed right in front of me and just by luck I was on the best side of the tracks to film both trains. A 3rd train passed me with an open boxcar door that Hobo Shoestring would have loved. That train went down the hill and I could smell the brake shoes. Then a maintenance of way grader went past and activated the crossing gates. After that I went to a huge trestle that is half way up the hill between the Ohio River and Erlanger, Kentucky. I heard a train approaching on so I decided to film it high and dry crossing the valley. There was nowhere to park so I decided to film it from my truck and move if a car came. Almost all of the train passed before
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