Pony Piano Concerto - A Canterlot Wedding

Downloads - I. Queen Chrysalis II. Our Love (is going to be perfect...) III. The False Wedding IV. Our Love Reprise Now I know what a lot of you are thinking. “Yourenigma hasn’t released a classical-styled worked in ages. He’s given up on the genre!“ False. Truth be told, I thought of this piece practically the moment the season finale ended. It represents a couple of things. Primarily, it’s a tone poem of sorts depicting the rise of the glorious Queen Chrysalis! Oh, and Princess Cadence and her Husband, them too. It is also a sort of thesis of mine. You see, this past semester, I took a class on the development and relevance of the symphonic poem and its ability to communicate extramusical details musically. I hope in this respect, it’s a success. Queen Chrysalis commands chromaticism. All of her themes rely upon it to some extent. In stark contrast, Cadence and Shining
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