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Support the label, buy it here: Artist: cyd & Clefomat Title: LIVE​.​01: RM1x vs MC​-​505 Label: Solemne Records Catalogue: SR033 Format: Digital Genre: Electronic Style: #Techno Release date: December 21, 2022 Tracklist: 1. Clefomat - Whisper TT28-505 2. cyd - USER08 3. Clefomat - Access Granted TT31-505 4. cyd - USER06 5. Clefomat - Shockwave TT25-505 6. cyd - USER07 7. Clefomat - Get Move TT30-505 8. cyd - USER11 9. Clefomat - Controversy TT32-505 10. cyd - USER43 11. Clefomat - Next Time TT26-505 12. cyd - USER17 13. Clefomat - Validation Failed TT24-505 14. cyd - USER05 The main concept of this album was to create all 14 tracks using hardware sequencers and record them live. Artists have been using the following setups: cyd - Yamaha RM1x, MicroKORG and Behringer TD-3. Clefomat - Roland MC-505 groovebox. The whole material has been also recorded as B2B live act and can be viewed here - Follow #Cyd here: Follow #Clefomat here: Follow #SolemneRecords here: ___ DISCLAIMER: All tracks are uploaded in a low quality for promotional purposes only and with buy links to respect label and artists. CONTACT EMAIL: hatemusic1@ Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK for releases previews and news: Follow us on SOUNDCLOUD for exclusive podcast series:
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