France presented with ambulances (1915)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit President Raymond Poincar and officials accept gift of ambulances from English motoring clubs Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Presentation to France FRANCE: Unknown: EXT TITLE: President Poincare receives the motor ambulances given by the Automobile Association and the Motor Union of Great Britain. SV. President Poincare accompanied by French Generals greets British officials. CU. Poincare looking at ambulance. SCU. Poincare talking with British officials. GV. top view people walking round ambulances in courtyard. ... Personalities - Politicians, Vehicles Raymond Poincar, ambulance, ambulances, officials Background: President Raymond Poincar and officials accept gift of ambulances from English motoring clubs FILM ID: VLVA68ZLUF5L7QAQN2NVKKN8WFTUK To license this film, visit
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