What’s the difference between UI Design, UX Design and Product Design? In this video Alvin explains a simple explanation on the key points that differentiates the role of a Digital Product Designer to a UI/UX Designer. You’ll also learn about the topics that concerns both UI/UX Designers and Product Designers. Let us know what you think!
00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – What is UI Design?
03:32 – What is UX Design?
05:50 – What is Product Design?
09:20 – Summary: UI/UX Designer vs Product Designer
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Relab Studios is a Melbourne based, multi award-winning digital design consultancy with a high focus on data-led UX studies and well-executed visual UI design solutions. Relab is recognised as a specialist on UI/UX design solutions for complex eCommerce and transactional digital projects that requires high performance on conversion rates. Our design thinking process has helped businesses solve a common problem on making something complex feel simple.
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1 view
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