How To Draw A Sweet Cake Step By Step DIY Tutorial

#cake #pie #simpleart 🎨HOW TO DRAW a CAKE with this video tutorial in 4 minutes step by step. Cupcake - this sweet pastry made from biscuit or yeast dough is a wedding and Christmas dish for many nations. Often the cake is enriched with raisins, nuts, jam, candied fruits, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Muffins are very popular - small portioned versions of muffins in tins. What kind of cupcakes do you like - write in the comments! This is an easy TUTORIAL for painting a colourful cake. All you need is pencils, white paper, a black marker and a good mood 🐵 This lesson is very simple for kids, parents and everyone who likes to draw! Do it yourself and enjoy! ❤️
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