BJW Abdullah Kobayashi Death Match Title Reign

1. Ryuji Ito (c) vs. Abdullah Kobayashi [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Game Of Death Match] (BJW Big Japan Death Vegas 2011 ) 2. Abdullah Kobayashi (c) vs. Masashi Takeda [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Open Finger Gloves Spike Nail Death Match] (BJW ) 3. Abdullah Kobayashi (c) vs. Shuji Ishikawa [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title 306 Fluorescent Light Tubes & Free Weapons Death Match] (BJW Endless Survivor ) 4. Abdullah Kobayashi (c) vs. Jaki Numazawa [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title 444 Fluorescent Light Tubes Tokyo Death City Match] (BJW ) 5. Abdullah Kobayashi (c) vs. Drake Younger [BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title Death Match] (BJW World Triangle Night In Korakuen )
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