Dogs According to Piano Music

Dogs have played an important role in piano music for centuries. The keyboard may lack the timbral flexibility of a violin, say, but composers have devised many ingenious and hilarious ways of evoking the sounds, movements and characters of canines. So, why not join composer Frederick Viner as he explores some of the very best examples. Many thanks to all the superb performers who kindly lent their recordings. Their full performances can be viewed here: Hayato Sumino: Chopin, Op. 64 no. 1 “Valse du petit chien“ - Nikolay Khozyainov: Chopin, “Gallop Marquis“ - Kit Armstrong: Alkan, “Le festin d’Esope“ - Dina Pysarenko: Satie, “Trois Véritables préludes flasques“ - https://www
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