She’s got you high; [Myka Bering.]

WATCH IN HD 720p: AND READ PLZZZZ!!!!! ------------------------------------------------- “She’s got you high and you don’t even know yet“ -------------------------------------------------- Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you all to the love of my Warehouse 13 life, her name is Myka Bering :D ( yeas you heard her, not Meeka but MYKA! lol) tehe lovely intro isnt? LOL anyways I really have no idea HOW THE HECK i could pull this off on a wednesday night, on a SCHOOL NIGHT! when I’m so terribly tired for waking up at 4:45 in the morning and having to go to bed soon so i can wake up early tomorrow as well. But well I guess I needed to do this for a couple of reasons. One! to clear off my mind of the college stress that’s been killing me lately! Two: Because I’ve been meaning to show my Myka some love since day one! and Three: Because she’s “got me high“ ;) don’t mind me I guess I'
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