I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG about Seventh-Day Adventism - Part I

I was wrong about Seventh-Day Adventism! I put out an earlier video a couple of months ago about Seventh-Day Adventists and sadly, I didn’t go far enough in my research to determine what they truly believe. There are some major problems in their doctrine and over the next couple of videos I am going to discuss and debunk them as best I can. CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro and purpose of this video 03:55 - The foundation for this discussion 06:32 - The errors of Ellen G. White 10:30 - How Adventists view Ellen G. White’s prophecies 16:23 - How Ellen G. White viewed her ow prophecies 20:49 - The Investigative Judgment Heresy 30:30 - Conclusions SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEAT!
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