Hannibal The Musical | This Is How I Go (with lyrics)

Art by: @cmhallow_art (Instagram) Lyrics by: @seahorsetrash (tiktok) THIS! IS! HOW! I-- Will’s part actually scared me a little at the end ngl. But not as much as he scares me in the finale song that’s dropping on Monday! I seriously cannot wait for the reactions to that one. You really get to see Hannibal’s dark side as he does the singing equivalent to an evil laugh. It’s up now on the Seahorse Trash Patreon. After the finale song, we take a brief intermission until May 24 when Act 2 begins! (on tiktok I said the 17th but that’s the recording deadline and I read the schedule wrong oops). This intermission is mainly to give our artists and voice actors some room to breathe between acts. -- I hope you guys enjoy, and if you’re new, be sure to watch all the previous videos in this series here: If you haven’t already seen it, check out the DTIYS challenge on @hannibalthem
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