Making a Mirror with Gold and Silver Leaf

Trailer for the NEW DVD : GOLD LEAF, PAINT & GLASS. The process for making a unique reverse gilded and silvered mirror. This has been broken down into 11 clear steps to carefully guide the student through every stage. The work is carried out on the back of the glass and as the processes are cold, no machinery is needed. Everything can be carried out on the kitchen table. When the work is complete the glass is turned around and viewed from the front. Includes: - Cleaning the glass - Marking up - Making size - Gilding with silver - Gilding with gold - Burnishing - Scribing first lines - Rubbing through gold - Engraving - Painting - Cleaning the front This DVD was made to support The Mirror Project, which forms Chapter 6 of the book, GOLD LEAF, PAINT & GLASS.
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