🎧120-й Мини рассказ. The Children’s Farm. Американский английский 8-го элементарного уровня

◘ Ссылка на все рассказы Серия мини-рассказов с синхронным аудио-переводом. В помощь изучающим американский английский по методу доктора Пимслера. ◘ Рассказ № 121► в работе ◘ Рассказ №119► ◘ Текст 120 рассказа Story by Heather Hammonds The Children’s Farm On Monday, our class went to a children’s farm. Our teacher came with us. We went to the farm in a big van. The farmer met us at the gate. 9 o’clock. First, we went to look at the sheep. The farmer gave the sheep some food. The sheep liked the food. We patted the sheep. 10 o’clock. Then we saw a cow in a barn. One of the boys milked the cow. The farmer helped him. 11 o’clock. We saw horses and donkeys at the farm. We gave them some carrots. 12 o’clock At lunchtime, we had a picnic by the barn. After lunch, we fed some chickens. 1 o’clock We went fo
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