Abandoned psychiatric hospital in Finland, FOUND MEDICINES!, Full of stuff!

The psychiatric hospital was established in 1926 to care for the mentally ill in the then Vyborg region and was closed down in 2000 when the hospital’s operations moved building has been completely vacant since 2012. From 1894 to 1910, the place was originally a hotel mainly to serve Russian tourists. In 1910, the hotel was transformed into a spa hotel, one of the best facilities in the industry at the time they say! but the main building was burned down in 1923 and the hotel was never re again in about 2010, nearly 87 years later, the other buildings surrounding this one was reopened as a hotel and it is still in operation do particular building shown in the film is still in neglect and no plans is made to it´s history does repeats it self and and the circle closes for this place, with the place returning to its original purpose, perhaps an even more glorious hotel than it once was. NO CLICK BAIT TITLES, I always try to find
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