Destiny 2: The God Roll Weapons of Last Wish (& How to Farm)

When Last Wish is the weekly raid, like it was from May 23 to 30, farming Kalli is one of the fastest ways to farm red border guns. Today, we’ll quickly look at how people do it, but mainly the god rolls that can now come from this place. Intro/Farming - 0:00 Supremacy - 1:35 Chattering Bone - 2:50 Transfiguration - 3:53 Age-Old Bond - 4:39 Techeun Force - 5:55 Nation of Beasts - 6:59 Tyranny of Heaven - 8:09 Apex Predator - 9:18 My personal order of unlock if I could choose: Apex first, then Techeun Force, Supremacy, Chattering Bone, Tyranny of Heaven, Age-Old Bond, Nation of Beasts, Transfiguration last. Datto’s Stream Archive: Watch Datto Live at on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Datto is now partnered with Logitech! Use “Datto10“ at checkout to get a 10% discount on Logitech and Logitech G products. for Logitech,
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