The Art of Creating with Other Species | Aki Inomata | TEDxWasedaU

Aki Inomata is an artist. She graduated with an MFA in Inter-media Art from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2008. In 2017, she traveled to the US as an Individual Fellowship Grantee from the Asian Cultural Council. She presents what is born out of her interactions with living creatures as well as the relationship between humans and animals. She recently had exhibitions at Musee de Nantes, Towada Art Center (Aomori), and Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art (Fukuoka). She also took part in group exhibitions such as “Thailand Biennale Krabi 2018“ at Krabi (Thailand) and “The XXII Triennale di Milano“ at La Triennale di Milano. In 2020, her book “AKI INOMATA: Significant Otherness 生きものとわたしが出会うとき” was published. アーティスト。1983年生まれ。2008年東京藝術大学大学院
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