Specimen 8’s Terrifying New Ability in Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation

This is a demonstration video of Specimen 8’s new chase ability in Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation, which was added in the Halloween 2021 update. According to the Wiki: “Specimen 8 has received a mechanical overhaul. When the view between the player and Specimen 8 is obstructed by a solid wall (doesn’t account for railings, iron bars or small objects), Specimen 8 will open a rift between itself and the player and warp forward to catch the player. This warp will always take one second, so the further Specimen 8 is from the player the faster it will travel.“ In my opinion, this new mechanic is a major boost in the difficultly for Specimen 8. One of the biggest criticisms with the game (in both versions) is the fact that the chase was too generic and basic. But now, Specimen 8’s chase in HD Renovation is certainly far from “basic“, and this new mechanic will make the chase a lot more difficult, especially in rooms with a lot of turns where Specimen 8 can
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