NVIDIA GTX 1650 GDDR6 vs. GDDR5 Benchmark: Big Uplift in Performance

NVIDIA is upgrading its GTX 1650 SKU to GDDR6 from GDDR5 due to a supply shortage, which affords the GTX 1650 more memory bandwidth and a significantly higher memory speed. Sponsor: Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti Xtreme on Amazon () EVGA GTX 1650 GDDR6 on Newegg: MSI RX 5500 XT on Amazon: This benchmark is a simple one: We only care about determining the differences between the GTX 1650 GDDR5 and GDDR6 models, and we’re particularly interested in this from a clock-for-clock comparison. Manufacturers often change small components in their supply chain due to availability of said supply, and so they often don’t like to specify every component on the board since it might change. One area this is very uncommon is memory, which is obviously key to the product’s performance, as opposed to something like a thermal pad or thermal paste, or maybe a small capacitor somewhere. Memory changes often happen to down-cost a product, but can also occur when a particula
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