Avatar 2 Interview: Jon Landau on New Tech & Alita: Battle Angel 2

Before audiences first explored Pandora in 2009’s Avatar, producer Jon Landau worked with director James Cameron on 1997’s Titanic, a collaboration that earned the duo a Best Picture Academy Award. Over the years, the two creators would continue to pioneer groundbreaking filmmaking techniques that would change the industry overall and also give them the tools they needed to pull off an unprecedented big-screen feat with Avatar: The Way of Water. In the highly anticipated sequel, Cameron and Landau set out to deliver an experience unlike any before, a film that fully transports the viewer to Pandora. In The Way of Water, they use game-changing effects technology to expand the moon’s rich lore via a script that sees the return of familiar faces like Sam Worthington’s Jake Sully and Zoe Saldaña’s Neytiri of the Omaticaya clan, while also venturing to new regions of Pandora like the seaside village of the Metkayina clan where we find Kate Winslet’s Ronal and Cliff Curtis’ T
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