Smallest to BIGGEST - The Sizes for Kids! (Big, Bigger, Biggest | Small, Smaller, Smallest)

#learningtimefun #learningvideosfortoddlers #educationalvideosforchildren Learn size for kids with big bigger biggest and small smaller smallest! This Kindergarten learning video teaches big and small, bigger and smaller, and biggest and smallest. Comparing size for kids is an important skill to learn. Learning measurement is great for preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, and beyond! Our size for kids learning video will help your child understand how to categorize objects based on big bigger biggest and small smaller smallest. We hope you enjoy our big and small video from Learning Time Fun! SUPPORT LEARNING TIME FUN Help fund our educational content (with a cup of hot coco) ☕☕☕ ▶▶ We truly appreciate your support! 😃 SUBSCRIBE to our Channel: WATCH our most Recent Upload: 🎵 STREAM LTF SONGS 🎵 ▶▶ Spotify: ▶▶ Amazon Music: ▶▶ Apple Music: ▶▶ Deezer:
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