’Tsunami-Like Waves’ Overrun Small Harbor in Italy During Storm | Tyrrhenian Sea

Several meter high ’tsunami-like waves’ caused by heavy storms in the Tyrrhenian Sea overrun a small Italian village’s safety walls and devastate parts of its harbor. The destructive waves damaged several buildings, flooded streets and swapped away containers. Only due to the harbor’s meter high safety walls the powerful waves haven’t been able to devastate the whole harbor, including dozens of ships, cars and nearby houses. Unlike ’real’ tsunami waves which are generated by the displacement of water (for example, by earthquakes, landslides or big glacier calving events), waves which are generated by storms and tides usually have a smaller wavelength (find out more here: ). If you are interested to watch a video showing a real tsunami, make sure to check out our video about the Mega-Tsunami which was created by a landslide and devastated a small village in Greenland in 2017:
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