Vyacheslav Shugaev plays Variaciones sudamericanas sobre un estudio de Fernando Sor by Sergio Assad
Vyacheslav Shugaev plays Variaciones sudamericanas sobre un estudio de Fernando Sor by Sergio Assad as part of our Siccas Media program (). Find your dream classical guitar on and check out to sell your guitar 😊
Vyacheslav was born in 2001 in Electrostal, Moscow region, Russia.
In 2021, he graduated with honors from the Gnesin State Musical College in Moscow (guitar class of Anastasia Bardina). At the moment, he is a student of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music (Artyom Dervoed’s class).
Vyacheslav is a prize-winner of many regional, all-Russian and international competitions. Among the recent achievements - the 2nd prize at the VIII International Frauchi Competition.
In 2019, he performed as a special guest at the Tartu klassikalise kitarri Festival in Tartu, Estonia. Also he took part in master classes by Eduardo Fernandez (Uruguay) and Ekachai Jearakul (Thailand).
The guitarist’s repertoire includes the music from the Renaissance to modern works by Assad, Miranda, Duplessy and Koshkin.
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YouTube: @user-rf1jv9dg7q?si=UkXGltdGJOAWQu2F
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Classical guitars are our passion! We are specialized in the highest quality concert guitars as well as historic guitars from around the world. Our passion for these unique instruments and the joy to give guitarists, passionate players, and collectors the possibility to purchase their own appropriate instrument is the motivation that drives us. Another focus is to work closely with established and young, largely unknown luthiers. Together we want to develop new ideas and share experiences with our customers. We also recorded pieces for many great composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Astor Piazzolla and Isaac Albeniz (Asturias). You will also find almost all the classical music composers that wrote for the classical guitar. Make sure to discover Agustin Barrios Mangoré, Manuel Maria Ponce, Heitor Villa-Lobos and many more if you don’t know their compositions already You can find our showroom in 76137 Karlsruhe, Roonstr. 31, Germany
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