John reading ’The General Erection’ & “The Wumberlog (Or The Magic Dog)’ and interviewed by Kenneth Allsop on BBC’s Tonight Show on 18 June 1965. WE MUST NOT FORGET THE GENERAL ERECTION, 1965. (excerpt) Azue orl gnome, Harassed Wilsod won the General Erection, with a very small marjorie over the Torchies. Thus pudding the Laboring Partly back into powell after a large abcess. This he could not have done withoutspan the barking of thee Trade Onions, heady by Frenk Cunnings (who noun has a SAFE SEAT in Nuneating thank you and Fronk (only 62) Bowels hasn’t). Sir Alice Doubtless-Whom was – quote – ‘bitherly dithapointed’ but managed to keep smirking on his 500,000 acre estate in Scotland with a bit of fishing and that. THE WUMBERLOG (OR THE MAGIC DOG), 1965. (excerpt) Whilst all the tow was sleepy ⠀ Crept a little boy from bed ⠀ To fained the wondrous peoble ⠀ Wot lived when they were dead. ⠀ ⠀ He packed a little voucher ⠀ For his dinner ’neath a tree. ⠀ ’Perhumps a tiny dwarf or two ⠀ Would share abite with me
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