How To Install on Ubuntu LTS (Linux)

How to Install on Ubuntu LTS Linux Using Snap and NVM Looking to install on Ubuntu LTS? This guide covers two popular methods: using **Snap** and **NVM (Node Version Manager)**. is a JavaScript runtime essential for modern web development, and these methods ensure flexibility and convenience for all developers. --- ### Why ? is widely used for building scalable and high-performance web applications. With its rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, it’s an essential skill for developers. --- ### Method 1: Install Using Snap #### 1. **Update System Packages** Before starting, update your system: ```bash sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y ``` #### 2. **Install Snap (if not installed)** Ensure Snap is install ... #ProgrammingKnowledge # #Tutorial #Introduction #Environment_Setup #Node_Package_Manager #Event_Emitters #JSON_to_JS_Objects #Writing_Stream #Piping_Stream 20241125 GfpzxQMfEJA
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