DIY Sock Pumpkin Tutorial

Learn how to make easy DIY sock pumpkins! All you need to make this fall craft is a cute sock, a needle & thread, a doll needle, stuffing, and yarn. Great for budget-friendly fall home décor. **I’m still new to making videos and this one is not perfect!** If you have any questions, leave a comment! =) SUBSCRIBE for more: Here’s the instructions I provided in the video: Supplies: a sock (I like crew length), a needle and thread, polyester filling, yarn, a larger doll needle (about 3“ long), a twig, and a glue gun. How to Make Sock Pumpkins Step-by-Step 1. Cut away the heel and the t...oe section from a crew sock. 2. You can make two pumpkins from one sock. 3. Thread a needle with a doubled & knotted length of thread. 4. Select a piece of sock. 5. Sew a gathering stitch around a piece of the sock (roughly a 3/4“ seam allowance). 6. Use the gathering stitches to pull the sock closed. 7. When you’ve almost closed the gap, push the edges into the tube to hide. 8. Finish tightening the stitches and take a couple stitches to secure the gathers. 9. Knot, bury, and trim the thread. 10. Stuff the sock pumpkin with polyester filling. 11. Leave a 3/4“ gap at the top to finish closing the pumpkin. 12. Repeat the gathering process around the top of the sock (3/4“ seam allowance). 13. Pull the stitching closed while tucking in the seam allowance. 14. Take a few stitches to secure. Knot and bury your thread. 15. Thread a long doll needle with a single length of yarn about 3-4 feet long. 16. Tie a thick knot at one end. 17. Bring the needle up through the center of the pumpkin, hiding the knot as you do so. 18. Wrap the yarn around and down the side of the pumpkin… 19. …and bring it back up through the center. 20. Pull tight to form the grooves of the pumpkin. 21. Repeat to make more grooves. 22. When finished, take a few hidden stitches in the center to secure… 23. …then knot and bury the thread. 24. Break off a small piece of a twig. 25. Use a hot glue gun to secure to the pumpkin. Let dry. 26. All done! Embellish as desired!
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