Corpse Bride | Without You

«Can a heart still break once it`s stopped beating?» This is my favorite cartoon and Emily has a special place in my heart. Cry every time I watch final scene. I feel so close to her and her pain. I can`t say that I hate Victoria and Victor. They just fell in love and they deserve to be together. But I`m not sure that their feelings were very deep, cause they`ve just met each other. I think that if Emily was alive, she could become a good pair for Victor. But unfortunately she`s already dead and that`s the main pain of her story. So in this video I wanted to focus on Emily`s tragedy and her f...eelings. Now about fan cast. When I was watching this Russian movie, I decided I have to do TCB reimagination with these two actresses, because as for me they`re perfect version of cartoon images. And as you know, I`m a big fan of Tom Sturridge in “The Sandman“ and he`s the best cast almost for my every male character hahaha. So I hope you enjoy my idea and my embodiment of it ♥️
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