Черепашьи бои - режим истории с Кейси

TMNT TF, Story mode with Casey Jones. Hard difficulty. No damage. Camera edits. Very fun! ■Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters ■NES ■Find moves list/special moves below. ■This is the story mode with Casey on hard difficulty. I freeze the character RAM address to pick Casey. That would be possible with game genie on real console. ■Added cool camera shakes and motions. That is so much fun to look at. ■Used little bit of save states. I am able to beat with no damage. It’s possible to figure out CPU patterns. The problem is that I have no gamepad, and on keyboard I often lose timing to kill Hothead with hockey stick in the end. If save state is used somewhere, then only in the beginning of few fights. If I remember correctly, I used only before Hothead and Shredder. Or maybe even only before Hothead. I recorded a movie and(as often) failed to make hockey stick at the end of Hothead, so then I probably re-recorded starting from Hothead. So
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