Stitches || Getaway x Tailgate x Cyclonus

Three words: MTMTE issue 47 D’: Soooo, nellie bailey suggested I should do a new video with Tailgate and Cyclonus because all the new OTP feels. She was kind enough to suggest this perfect song too (thank you nellie! c:) and I had a major burst of inspiration (probably because I was supposed to read to a test xD) and ended up finishing this under 24 hours :DD I ended up adding some Tailgate x Getaway too ’cause come on, those lyrics were perfect for it x3 So, enjoy a new video of OTP feels :’) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song: Stitches by Shawn Mendes Footage: The Treansformers: More Than Meets The Eye Program: Adobe Premiere Elements 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I DON’T OWN ANYTHING, ALL CREDITS GO TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS!!
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