Sunderland V Dynamo (1952-1955)

Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Start of a football match between Dynamo (Moscow) and Sunderland. SV. Captains in centre of field shaking hands. SV. Massed crowds. GV. Sunderland in black shorts kick off from left to right. They take possession and attack up field. SV. Sunderland attacking, the ball rolls to Dynamo goalkeeper Lev Yashin, he collects and clears up field. SV. Pan, the ball is passed to and received by Ilyin. He is intercepted by Anderson but Ilyin continues. He passes out to the right wing Shabrov who receives and shoots towards goal. Goalkeeper Fraser dives to save, the ball bounces from him and Jack Hedley runs in to kick the ball over the line. SV. Massed crowds. SV. Pan, Sunderland attacking. The ball is passed through to Len Shackleton. Len Shackleton shoots but is offside as ball enters the net. SV. Massed crowds. LV. Dynamo attacking. The ball is passed out to the right wing Shabrov. He shoots and Ilyin receives and kicks into goal, but is offside. SV. Massed crowds. Half time - Sunderlan
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