Star Wars Empire-(Soviet Armed Force Medley)

An idea of my great galactic empire along with the Soviet Armed Force Medley Songs in order: 1- We Are The Amy of the People/Мы - армия народа (Russian Ground Forces)(imperial Stormtrooper) 0:00 2- Three Tankmen/Три танкиста (Russian Tank Troops)(imperial Walker, tank and AT-ST)0:48 3-March of the Artillerymen/Марш артиллеристов (Russian Strategic Missile troops) (imperial artillery)1:50 4- Aviamarch/Авиамарш (Russian Areospace Forces) (Imperial fighter)2:33 5- If You’ll be Lucky/А если очень повезёт (Russian Navy)(Imperial fleet)3:17 6- Lets Go/В путь (Russian Armed Forces)(All imperial Forces )4:03 Check out the song: video game play belong to SuperVaderMan ( & Corellian Legends ( English lyrics: (modified) idea by Archangel Azrael (
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