Tous les enfants chantent avec moi by Mireille Mathieu and BoriS.K. All the Children Sing with Me
Cover of the Bobby Goldsboro song “I Wrote a Song (Sing Along)“ by BoriS.K and his buddies Guido and Seth the monster.
Mireille Mathieu did this on the Sesame Street Muppets Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, and Oscar the Grouch sing the song on the French variety show Numéro un in 1977.
This is a tribute to both Mireille, greatest 20th century French singer and the idea of including puppets as real beings interacting with people #sesamestreet and #jimhenson legacy
Special Credits and Thanks to Dante Zuccaro
Credits to #DanteZuccaro for mind-blowing #puppeteering
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