Battle of Granicus 334 BC - Alexander’s Conquests DOCUMENTARY

🏹Support us and your Hunting Hobby: The new Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series covering the conquests of Alexander III the Great of Macedon continues with the aftermath of his Balkan campaign () during which he defeated Thracians, Illyrians and rebelling Greek cities at the battles of of Mount Haemus, Pelium and Thebes. This video will focus on the beginning of his campaign against the Achaemenid Empire, as the Macedonian king attacks Asia Minor, which leads to the battle of Granicus in 334 BC. We are planning to cover all campaigns of Alexander and all of his major battles, including Gaugamela, Tyre, Issus, Granicus, Halicarnassus, Gaza, Hydaspes and more. How Alexander Defeated his Balkan enemies: How Rome Conquered Greece: Philip II and Macedonian Phalanx: Philip II’s Cavalry and Siegecraft:
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