New tracks are on and locked. Nashorn sdkfz164

The new tracks are finaly in place to be tested. very soon. For those who are wondering about the last few posts with the red numbers. We did follow the Formula 1 race seison and a Dutch guy (Max Verstappen) was doing so well that there was a small chance of him becomming world champion. And he did although the mercedes team filed complaints against the fia and Red Bull racing. So we thought lets have some fun and put @MAX33Verstappen his racing number on the Nashorn (Maxhorn) and let him know we have is back. LOL Next post will contain a little suprice so make sure you stay tuned. If you want to know anything or have an suggestion let me know down in the comments and i will get back to you ASAP. In the following videos I will show you how the entire cradle / lafette is made with new and original parts. Thanks for watching this video of the Nashorn restoration AKA little Phönix. Subscribe to the channel to help the project and for more information go to our Facebook page (link below). You can also support
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