約10年ぶりにフリーダムに「パンダヒーロー」を踊ってみた【TAKUMA】 - Niconico Video sm38420637

Happy Birthday to Mr. Underbar !! I tried stuffing respect. In a comment somewhere “I can’t concentrate on the place where I’m dancing properly“ There was such a comment, so I tried to respond! The music I used I tried to sing “Panda Hero“ to Freedom for the first time in 10 years [___ (Underbar)] →sm38303970 本家楽曲様 【オリジナル曲PV】 パンダヒーロー 【GUMI】 →sm13386216 【熊】TAKUMA→ tw @popper_takuma マイリス→»mylist/18088896>mylist/18088896 編集・撮影→TAKUMA Twitch→ YOUTUBE→ 03/14/2021 15:15 Views 832
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