Republican controlled congress opens in Washington (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Martin takes over as Speaker of the house while Barkley becomes Senate minority leader Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Republican Controlled U.S. Congress Opens USA: Washington DC: EXT/INT CONGRESS IN U.S. Shots of the Assembly of the 80th Congress - now controlled by the Republicans. Shots showing the Speaker being sworn in and then the 430 delegates. Good outside shot of the Capitol. This story includes shots of Joseph W Martin, Senator Barkley, leader of a minority and Senator Bilbo of Mississippi AMERICAN CONGRESSMEN & SENATORS During the opening session of the 80th Congress - shots of Senator Barkley, leader of the minority. Congressman Joseph W. Martin - the new speaker and Senator Bilbo of Mississippi WASHINGTON. Shots of Capitol Hill, showing the exterior of the Congress Building. United
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