Can’t believe how good this kid has gotten in just two years

Dance vlog with my boys Samsam Lawrence and Eddy I meet Lawrence two years ago in a class, full of adults, yet he still did it! It’s crazy to see how much confidence and swag Lawrence has gotten in just two years! It’s not just me who has taught him, Lawrences mum is super supportive so he’s been dancing with many many top level teachers. Samuel is a guest friend from NZ! He is absolutely amazing... Can you guess how long they have been dancing for? ;) Song 24K MAGIC Artist Bruno marz Find me on Instagram Instagram Tiktok @hu_jeffery My dance studio located in Sydney Parramatta Studio Hurstville Studio Website Follow for more relatable dance contents and boring vlogs from me ;) Get 24K Magic by Bruno Mars and over 1M mainstream tracks here License ID: mOPqWGEZv6l !Jeffery Hu #dance #danceclass #dancestudio #danceteacher
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