Arthur Balfour reveals war monument (1918)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Prime Minister Arthur Balfour unveils a new shrine dedicated to those who died in WWI Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: “Died Not in Vain“ ENGLAND: London: Hillingdon: EXT MAIN TITLE (6ft) SV. Mr. Balfour, followed by Mr. Arthur Mills, M.P. at Hillingdon. (18ft) SV. Choir in procession down path, followed by distinguished guests. (47ft) LV. Mr. Balfour looking at war shrine. Backs of guests in foreground partially obscure him. (53ft) SV. Mr. Balfour (side view) at war shrine, addressing gathering. (59ft) At Hillingdon. good portrait of Mr. Balfour Present: Hon. Arthur Mills M.P. Personalities - Politicians, Ceremonies - Inauguration, Buildings, Landmarks and Monuments, Great Britain 1st Earl of Balfour, politician, statesmen, stateman, dedications, WWI, World I, War I, Great War, First World War Background: Prime Min
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