Time of Heroes - RT Documentary

‘RT Doc: Time of Heroes’ festival is gaining momentum. This year, we are collecting documentaries about Donbass from different authors to show them around Russia. You are also welcome to send us your film! Please contact us at: info@. Besides the films directed by Russian filmmakers, the work of foreign journalists will participate in our festival as well. For example, Anne-Laure Bonnel has sent us her ‘Donbass 2022’. The journalist’s life has changed a lot after the documentary premiered online. She was hugely condemned and fired from the University of Paris where she had worked for 15 years. Bonnel emphasized that her previous documentary that she made in Donbass in 2016 was screened even in the Sorbonne. However, six years later they consider the topic unacceptable. Bonnel’s story isn’t an isolated case. Our documentary ‘Donbass: That’s Why I’m Here’ features several journalists and filmmakers who’ve been turned away by their homelands simply because they showed an alternative viewpoint that isn’t in line with the official stance. Watch the film if you haven’t done so yet.
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