Webinar by Khapiya Sapargalieva “Metaphor as a means of manipulating consciousness...“

10 февраля 2021 года в лингвистической научно-образовательной лаборатории состоялся вебинар на тему “Metaphor as a means of manipulating consciousness in the election campaign (based on the speeches of D. Trump and H. Clinton)“ (Метафора как средство манипулирования сознанием в избирательной кампании (по материалам выступлений Д. Трампа и Х. Клинтона)), который провела магистрантка 2 года обучения Хапия Сапаргалиева. On February 10, 2021, a webinar was held at the linguistic scientific and educational laboratory on the topic “Metaphor as a means of manipulating consciousness in the election campaign (based on the speeches of D. Trump and H. Clinton)“, which was conducted by a 2-year undergraduate student Khapiya Sapargalieva.
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