Healing of disease - EMF and 5G Protection - Purification of water. Frequency sound therapy Just Listen - the benefits are amazing! In 1996 scientists Robert Curl and Richard Smalley discovered fullerenes, a special carbon-based molecular formation - which turned out to be a major component of Shungite Shungite is said to be over 2 billion years old and has numerous healing properties. Russian scientists confirm that, in addition to being a natural antioxidant, it can improve immune system function. It also actively interacts with various electromagnetic fields (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geo-pathogen, biofields) and neutralizes their negative impact. Mp3 paypal •Powerful ancient healing stone. •Healing and purification of water. •Numerous health and healing benefits. • Powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. •Cures, rescues, purifies, heals,
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