NATO Fighter Jets Scramble to Intercept 3 Russian Su-35 in the Baltic Sea

NATO Fighter Jets Scramble to Intercept 3 Russian Su-35 in the Baltic Sea The Nato Air Force has intercepted two Russian fighter jets and a spy plane flying near NATO airspace over the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea. Eurofighter Typhoon, f/a-18 fighter jets from IX(B) Squadron RAF and German Air Force 71st ’Richtofen’ Wing were scrambled to intercept and visually identify several unidentified aircraft flying near NATO airspace. One of those aircraft was a Russian Air Force IL-20 Coot-A intelligence aircraft that flew from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad, an enclave bordering Poland that was escorted by Russian SU-35 fighter jets. The intercept this time was by the British and German Air Forces operating Eurofighter Typhoon and f/a-18 fighter jets from Amari Air Base in the Baltic country of Estonia as a joint force. The stunt comes just days after leaked documents showed that Russian fighter jets attempted to fire missiles at British manned planes over the Black Sea last month. Video is f
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