BIGGEST American War Crime Cover-Up Of The Vietnam War (Warning* Mature Audiences Only)

What happens when a group of men are let loose in the wilderness with no oversight and a simple instruction: kill anything that moves? Tiger Force is the answer. An elite recon group of the Vietnam War whose war crimes were covered up by the US government for decades. In this video, we look at the atrocities committed by the men of Tiger Force as they descended into barbarity in the jungle of Vietnam, and how the US government tried to hide it from the world. Origins of Tiger Force Tiger Force was a long-range reconnaissance patrol unit of the 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division. It was formed in November 1965 by Major David Hackworth to, quote, “out-guerrilla the guerrillas.” He put it more frankly to another reporter. “I want 40 swinging dicks,” Hackworth had said, men who were free to use their own judgment, skill, and drive to conduct unrestrained warfare in the toughest areas of Vietnam. It usually numbered about 45 men at any one time, but people would rotate ou
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