Frainbreeze - Vocal House Vol. 1 (FL Studio Template)

Download flp: Download contains: template “Vocal House Vol. 1“, 7 presets for ArtsAcoustic Reverb, 1 presets for Spire, 7 presets for Waves, 2 presets for FabFilter Pro-Q2, 1 preset for FabFilter Pro-L, 2 presets for FabFilter Saturn. Vocals are not included in the project! 3LAU - Star Crossed Synth versions: Spire , Vengeance Avenger (Future House, EDM1) Nexus , FabFilter Pro-L , ArtsAcoustic Reverb , Ozone Imager, Red 3 Compressor, FabFilter Saturn , Kickstart , Sausage Fattener, FabFilter Pro-Q2 , ValumeShaper 4, Waves v9r21 (RCompressor (build29537), (C1Comp (build29537), (HDelay (build29537), (RDeesser (build29537), (OneKnobLouder (build29537) Please note that the melody, midi, audio of the track is copyrighted and cannot be used as your own or as a part of your track or any other work. The project is intended to be used for learning and demo purposes on
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