How to Fix a High Shoulder for Good

Dr. Rowe shows how to fix a high shoulder FOR GOOD. These easy exercises will be shown in a step-by-step guide that will help get rid of an unsightly, uneven shoulder quickly. The FIRST part will focus releasing muscle and soft tissue tightness (including muscle knots and spasms) that might be responsible for pulling the shoulder upward. In the SECOND part, we’ll focus on high shoulder stretching exercises that will release tight muscles that may be lifting the shoulder upward. This includes the upper trapezius (or trap) and levator scapulae muscles. The THIRD part will focus on strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining even shoulder balance and posture. This may help build a STRONGER foundation in your neck, shoulder, and upper back and ward off future issues of a high shoulder. WATCH NOW and get rid of a high shoulder posture for good! *************************** Dr. Michael Rowe St. Joseph, Michigan chiropractor If you are looking f
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