Jeffrey Sachs says BRICS must champion education & cooperation, while blasting US confrontational stance

Jeffrey Sachs says BRICS must champion education & cooperation, while blasting US confrontational stance Jeffrey Sachs, a world-renowned economist, emphasized the vital importance of education and government cooperation in creating a peaceful and sustainable world. Speaking to participants at the BRICS Urban Future Forum in Moscow on September 18-19, he underscored the necessity of large-scale infrastructure and services, such as education and healthcare, stating that these initiatives “cannot be done on a piecemeal basis.“ Sachs commended countries like Russia and other BRICS nations for their robust educational institutions, highlighting their crucial role in empowering both individuals and societies. Furthermore, Sachs criticized the confrontational stance of the United States, arguing that international relations should be guided by cooperation rather than competition. “We need cooperation, not confrontation,“ he stated, urging governments to prioritize improvements in quality o... Source: Sputnik International
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