Английский язык 3 класс (Урок№1 - Welcome Back!)

Английский язык 3 класс Урок№1 - Welcome Back! мы узнаем: как практиковать материал, изученный во 2 классе; мы научимся: обобщать и систематизировать знания по использованию глаголов «to be, have got / has got / can» в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных формах; мы сможем: применять лексику по темам «семья, цвета, цифры, игрушки, одежда, погода, еда». I am Alice. He is my daddy. She is my mummy. It is my doll. They are my brothers. We are a happy family. You are my friend. I am – I’m she is – she’s he is – he’s it is – it’s we are – we’re you are – you’re they are – they’re I have got a doll. He has got a book. She has got a book. It has got a ball. They have got toy soldiers. We have got 5 apples. You have got a computer. I have got – I have not got he has got – he has not got she has got – she has not got it has got – it has not got they have got – they have not got we have got – we have not got you have got – you have not got
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