Why should we care about diversity and inclusion in tech? / Yuliya Kurapatsenkava (Spotify)

Приглашаем на конференцию TeamLead Conf 2024, которая пройдет 27 и 28 ноября в Москве! Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: —------- Saint TeamLead Conf 2018 Тезисы и презентация: I would like to cover examples of how diversity changed the way Spotify is driving its product. I will show how by changing the approach to diversity and inclusion teams can change the way they work. I will cover some practical steps of what has been done in Spotify to address diversity and inclusion issues and what benefits it gave the company, local committees and countries where the company is represented. -------- Нашли ошибку в видео? Пишите нам на support@
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