I loved watching Winx growing up and although Fate: The Winx Saga took a different turn when they adapted it into a tv show I still enjoyed the first season.
I definitely missed the magic and fairy wings in this season but hopefully, there will be more in the next as well as Bloom & Sky moments because they’re so cute together.
I hope that you’ll all enjoy this special edit of Bloom & Sky. I did my best to include as many of their conversations and quotes as possible and I absolutely love how it turned out. I still can’t get over their garden training scene, I loved it so much!
☆Couple: Bloom & Sky
☆Tv Show: Fate: The Winx Saga (2021) - All of Season 1
☆Song: Music by Gus Leifeld - Indigo -
☆Subcount: ✨
→ I can’t believe we’re going to hit 2k so soon!
☆Support me and my channel by buying me a coffee to enjoy while I edit on Ko-fi❤️
#bloomandsky #fatethewinxsaga #winx